-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup hints for using BGFAX with the USR 21.6K/D'Bridge 03-20-94 Paul Urmston FidoNet 2:253/151 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D'Bridge, BGFAX, and USR 21k6 FAX Modem --------------------------------------- Here are quite a LOT of words on how I've got my system running with BGFAX, D'Bridge v1.54 and a USR DS FAX 21K6 V32-Turbo. I run this on the BBS node 1, on an IBM PS/2 model 80, with the USR modem on COM2, the BGFAX level I'm using is v1.10. I've also tested with a new D'Bridge beta 2108, which may turn out to be the next D'Bridge release. The following describes how my set up is working and some ideas of what you should do. The D'Bridge modem configuration file (MCF) file needs to be changed, and you need to enter some commands on the External Receivers line within the SECURITY/MISCELLANEOUS menu in the D'Bridge configuration screens. In the EXTERNAL RECIEVERS I have..... +FCO|E:\BGFAX\BGFAX /FCO E:\BGFAX 2 Q /NF The +FCO before the pipe is what my USR Modem reports when it answers a FAX call, after the pipe (|) is the command line for the BGFAX reciever. The 2 is for COM2 the Q is to tell BGFAX to receive the FAX in Quick Link II format and the /NF is the FAX notify program that is now included with BGFAX (see the BGFAX docs for details). This is the fastest way to load BGFAX if you have enough extra RAM. Another option is after the PIPE symbol, you could specify a batch file to call BGFAX, e.g. +FCO|FAX.BAT If there is not enough over head ram, you could try swapping D'Bridge out by placing a "+" sign in front of the command line, +FCO|+FAX.BAT Note the Plus (+) is AFTER the pipe!! The plus (+) on the +FCO word is purely part of the modem response to a FAX connect. You could also drop D'Bridge and exit with an errorlevel, +FCO|*X200 (200 errorlevel) Now to the MCF file!!! Some of the commands in this may be a bit over the top, but I spent a couple of days playing with various options. Because of the limit on the number of characters you can send to the modem in any one string I think this combination is the safest and seems to work every time. MCF USDSTRBO USR DS FAX 21.6k V32bTurbo 115200 SWITCH 1 0UUDUDUUDUU BAUD 115200 LOCKED DELAY 20 TIMEOUT 60 PREINIT AT INIT ATZ INIT ATH0&I0+FCLASS=2.0 INIT AT+FLI="Your Number" INIT AT+FNR=1,1,1;+FAA=1;+FCR=1 OFFHOOK AT+FCLASS=0M0H1 ANSWER AT+FAA=1;A DIAL 300 AT+FCLASS=0&N1&M0D DIAL 1200 AT+FCLASS=0&N2&M0D DIAL 2400 AT+FCLASS=0D DIAL 4800 AT+FCLASS=0D DIAL 9600 AT+FCLASS=0D DIAL 19200 AT+FCLASS=0D ..... the rest is the standard relevant USR standard MCF file Here are some notes on the above configuration to explain some of the logic I used! The semicolons (;) may be excluded from the initialisation strings, I read somewhere they should be included to separate FAX commands when modem are in FAX mode, so I've included them. You don't need the PREINIT but I've put it in for completeness. The first INIT ATZ, just ensures that whatever your normal modem config was, it is first restored before we set FAX mode with the MCF. This is just in case you play with other FAX software that alters the modem config other than the FAX changes we do in this MCF file! The second INIT ATH0&I0+FCLASS=2.0, ensures that you put the modem back ON hook and you initialise FAX Class 2.0. The &I0 is for completeness, because if any FAX software puts the USR modem into FAX Class 1 mode, &I2 is left initialised. If you have &I0 in your saved ATZ config then you can exclude the &I0 from this line. The INIT AT+FLI="Your Number" just sets your FAX ID number. Note, the +FLI= command is the Class 2.0 version of Class 2 +FLID. In the next INIT, the AT+FNR=1,1,1 sets the modem to report the inbound FAX itentity, the +FAA=1 sets the modem to answer in call selection mode so it will automatically differentiate between FAX and data calls. The +FCR=1 set the modem to receive mode, I've heard comments about some modems forgetting this command if another modem FAX command is issued so I put this at the end of that command string. The OFFHOOK AT+FCLASS=0M0H1 sets the Modem back to normal DATA mode when D'Bridge is in off-line mode, it obviously takes the modem off hook and sets the speaker OFF. The ANSWER AT+FAA=1;A tells the modem to answer in automatic selection mode! For some reason even though this is in a previous INIT string I had to put this in the ANSWER line for it to answer correctly. Note that the DIAL commands have +FCLASS=0 in them to set the modem to dial out in normal data mode. The INIT strings set it back to FAX mode when D'Bridge is waiting in receive mode after any dialing out activity is completed. If you have SPECIFIC DIAL numbers set in the COMMUNICATION PARAMETERS menu then you will need to set those with a +FCLASS=0 as well. The port is locked at 115200, and I use X00.SYS with the following command in CONFIG.SYS to do that. DEVICE=C:\X00\X00.SYS E 2 B,0,115200 B,1,115200 F=15 R=2048 T=1024 Hope that helps, if it's not all absolutely technically correct then I apologise, but I spent two days playing with configurations and options and it works great on my system so I thought I'd pass it on! Cheers Paul Urmston SysOp The Music Studio UK and ThinkSoft Europe FidoNet 2:253/151 and 2:253/101